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Shandong Liangshan Taifeng Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd

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Product number:
Product name:
Calcium alcohol sugar
Product Category:
Foliar fertilizer series
   Product manual
Product Positioning:
Calcium alcohol sugar alcohol sugar chelate technology, the sugar alcohol and calcium organic chelate, the formation of small molecules of sugar alcohol, pure natural safe nutrition, crop is the best product of calcium.

Function and function:
1, the use of natural compound sugar alcohol chelating agent to simulate the cell juice of the original juice can be directly through the plant phloem transport of calcium preparations can be directly by the leaves, fruits and other absorption and utilization.
2, double channel calcium: sprayed in the fruit of the calcium can be fruit into the fruit, sprayed in the leaves of calcium can be transported through the veins to the fruit, is the only fruit can be used in the bag after the foliage of calcium product.
3, high absorption efficiency: sprayed in fruit or leaves of calcium fertilizer can quickly penetrate the fruit or leaf cuticle, into the fruit or leaves inside to avoid the loss of rain erosion, fertilizer effect lasting.
4, yield high quality: timely supplementation of calcium, correct crop calcium deficiency symptoms, effectively prevent the calcium absorption disorders caused by fruit fruit, poor taste, bitter pox disease, water heart disease, black heart disease, umbilical rot, leaf disease and other physiological Disease, increase crop disease resistance and storage time, improve the appearance of the fruit quality and taste.
5, no pollution and injury: pure natural chelating agent, without chlorine ions and any hormones, no harm to the plant after fertilization, the fruit surface without spots.
6, mixed with good: solution PH ≥ 5.0, better mixing, wider, with most of the pesticide or foliar fertilizer mixed use, is now used to improve fertilizer, reduce the cost of application.

Technical indicators:
Ca ≥ 180g / L sugar alcohol ≥ 80g / L
PH ≥ 5.0 Specific gravity ≥ 1.4
Toxicity is lower than the national limit
Dosage: Duishui 1000-1500 times spraying. Young fruit period, the seedling stage, the wet period diluted with water 1500-2000 times, spraying, leaching facilities, dripping, irrigation root, Chong Shi.

Adapt to crop:
Fruit trees, vegetables, fruits, fields, grain and oil, tobacco, tea, seedlings, flowers and other crops.
Note: 1, stored away from children, prohibit human and animal consumption, not mixed with alkaline pesticides, if precipitation is a normal phenomenon, does not affect fertilizer efficiency.
2, to avoid mixing with the sulfate and phosphate series, to avoid the application in the rain or under the sun, to avoid the application in harsh weather.
3, shelf life: three years, the production date see the bottle cap or label.
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Shandong Liangshan Taifeng Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd 2017