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Shandong Liangshan Taifeng Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd

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Product number:
Product name:
Amino acid liquid fertilizer
5kg * 4/20kg/box
Product Category:
Rooting series
   Product manual

This product uses international bio-engineering technology, advanced technology, high-temperature chelating production of high-tech products. Contains high activity of amino acids, fulvic acid, marine active substances and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, copper, zinc, iron, manganese, boron, molybdenum and other plant growth and development of more than a dozen nutrients, A new generation of highly efficient organic water soluble fertilizer.
1, the product is organic polymer chelate, high activity of biological liquid, the use of ion synthesis technology and biological slow release technology, full water soluble, high absorption and utilization rate, to strong seedling strong growth, the purpose of strong growth.
2, strong rooting, direct root growth point, stimulate the rooting ability of rooting, root rapid growth developed, the main root is strong, lateral root intensive, fibrous roots increased, to prevent root aging, improve plant disease resistance.
3, the activation of soil, adjust the ground temperature, to prevent soil compaction, anti-cropping, can dissolve potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen fixation, so that the remaining nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements in the soil quickly release, promote cell protoplast flow, Vitality and vitality, improve yield and quality.
4, ahead of the market, the fruit swell fast, more fruit, good color, reduce the deformity fruit, to extend the picking period.
Applicable crops:
Vegetables, fruits and vegetables, grain and oil, flowers, lawns, herbs, tobacco, seedlings and other crops.
Foliage spray: diluted 800-1000 times evenly sprayed on the opposite side of the leaves, melon plants diluted 1200-1600 times.
Chong Shi: acres of dosage 10-20 kg, with the water Chong Shi, interval 7-10 days once.
Drip irrigation: the amount of 5-15 kg, the first diluted after use, interval 7-10 days once.
1, the product of strong permeability, high fertilizer efficiency, quick, fertilize without excessive, so as to avoid waste, shed high temperature to timely ventilation cooling. 2, before 9:00 am or after 4 pm sprayed in the leaves of the anti-positive effect better;
3, spray 6 hours rain raid;
4, with the acid pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, can improve the efficacy and safety performance (strong acid, strong alkaline).
5, shelf life: three years (unopened), the production date see the package within the certificate or seal.

Technical indicators: amino acids ≥ 100g / L, fulvic acid ≥ 20g / L, N + P2O5 + K2O (single element content of not less than 40g / L) ≥ 200g / L, trace elements ≥ 15g / L, Alginic acid, fish protein and other appropriate amount.

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Shandong Liangshan Taifeng Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd 2017