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Shandong Liangshan Taifeng Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd

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Product number:
Product name:
A generation of king
Product Category:
Organic fertilizer
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The first generation of bacteria Wang biological fertilizer is the latest company launched a bio-fermentation, spray drying process produced by the bacteria-containing water-soluble fertilizer. The use of beneficial bacteria bacteria advantage, quickly in the crop around the root to increase the number of beneficial bacteria, through bacteriostatic bacteria to bactericidal scientific way to effectively resist the breeding and growth of various soil pathogens, effective activation and decomposition of the remaining soil Large and medium trace elements and organic matter, so that the crop needs nutrition balance, improve crop yield and improve crop quality.

Features and features:
1, increase yield, Paul flower fruit: the compound of the bacteria in the metabolism of a large number of plant endogenous enzymes to improve crop nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, copper, zinc, iron, Molybdenum, boron and other nutrient elements of the absorption and utilization, can promote the root growth of crops, rooting roots, mention seedlings strong trees, so that the fruit swell fast, good coloring, enhance photosynthesis, yield effect is obvious.
2, to promote growth and improve quality: can reduce the nitrate content of plants, reduce heavy metal content, improve the stubble soil, can break down the soil in the stubble toxic and harmful substances, for the crop to produce effective nutrients, can fruit VC, vitamin B, amino acid Increase the content, increase the sugar, so that the fruit taste good, resistant to storage.
3, nutrient comprehensive, water-soluble, quick, after the use of activated soil, pressure alkali Xuan Xuan, increase soil organic matter, adjust the temperature, drought, cold, disease resistance, root rot, black root, anti- , Ahead of listing, to promote early maturing, reduce the abnormal fruit, to extend the picking period.

Adapt to crops: vegetables, fruits and vegetables, grain and oil, flowers, lawns, herbs, tobacco, nursery stock, field, tea, underground crops and other crops.

Dosage: Chong Shi, drip irrigation, base facilities, ditch facilities, such as facilities, acres of dosage 10-20 kg, according to the different growth period of the amount of increase or decrease.

Note: 1, the goods for biological products, in the application, can not be used with fungicides at the same time, not with strong acid and alkali substances mixed at the same time, if agglomeration or flatulence does not affect fertilizer, should be placed cool and dark Dry place storage, the use of the product can be dissolved after mixing evenly, with the water impingement, drip irrigation.
2, the product permeability, high fertilizer efficiency, quick, fertilize without excessive, so as to avoid waste, shed high temperature should be timely ventilation cooling, shed within the ban on spraying, can be used alone to ensure harvest, but also mixed with the use of fertilizer And can improve fertilizer efficiency, to avoid the use of rain or sun in the sun.
3, shelf life: two years (unopened) production date see the package within the certificate or seal.

Technical indicators: NPK ≥ 20%, humic acid ≥ 3%, 200 million compound / gram, water-soluble organic matter ≥ 40%, fulvic acid ≥ 30%, trace elements ≥ 5%, anti- Chitin, edible fruit, fish protein, rare earth elements and other appropriate.

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Shandong Liangshan Taifeng Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd 2017