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Shandong Liangshan Taifeng Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd

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Product number:
Product name:
Bacteria leaching the world
4kg * 5 bags/20kg/box
Product Category:
Organic fertilizer
   Product manual

This product is based on the domestic planting structure, combined with soil nutrition, plant physiology, plant protection and other developed a new generation of biological complex bacteria water soluble fertilizer.

Product Features: Activate the soil, increase the soil fertility: to promote soil formation of good aggregate structure, increase soil permeability, promote root system developed, stout stems, leaf hypertrophy, leaf color green, Improve fertilizer, water retention capacity.
Rooting, rooting, rooting: the root of the repair function, so that the plant growth robust, vigorous, the product mainly probiotics, and soybean rhizobia combined nitrogen fixation bacteria, phosphate bacteria, potassium bacteria and other microbial agents, For the production, increase income, biological control to create a good foundation for the secretion of biological substances, antibiotics and a variety of metabolites, enhance crop disease resistance, improve the biological control of soil-borne disease, anti-cropping, anti-wilt, , Root knot nematode and other bacteria, the ability to disease, regulate crop metabolism, with the stimulation of crop growth, inhibition of bacteria and degradation of pesticide residues and other effects.
Increased yield: to promote the absorption of nutrients in crops, combined with a variety of commonly used chemical fertilizers, organic fertilizer can reduce the loss of nitrogen fertilizer, nitrogen, nitrogen nitrogen in the air into ammonia, phosphorus and potassium to fixed phosphorus and potassium into soluble Of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, through a variety of beneficial microorganisms to accelerate the decomposition of organic fertilizer conversion, the release of a variety of nutrients, greatly improve the utilization of fertilizer, the product of the active bacteria both biological nitrogen fixation, but also the release of phosphorus, Potassium, can provide different crops in the growth and development of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium nutrient needs, yield increase effect is significant, increase 10% -15% of the output.
Improve the quality of agricultural products: (protein, sugar, vitamins, etc.) to vegetables, fruits and delicious taste, good quality, is the production of pollution-free and green agricultural products ideal water-soluble bacteria fertilizer.

Usage and Dosage: Chong Shi, drip irrigation, base facilities, ditch facilities, such as facilities, the amount of 10-20 kg mu, according to the different growth period of the amount of increase or decrease.

Adapt to crops: vegetables, fruits and vegetables, grain and oil, flowers, lawns, herbs, tobacco, nursery stock, field, tea, underground crops and other crops.

Note: 1, the goods for biological products, in the application, can not be used with fungicides at the same time, not with strong acid and alkali substances mixed at the same time, if agglomeration or flatulence does not affect fertilizer, should be placed cool and dark Dry place storage, the use of the product can be dissolved after mixing evenly, with the water impingement, drip irrigation.
2, the product permeability, high fertilizer efficiency, quick, fertilize without excessive, so as to avoid waste, shed high temperature should be timely ventilation cooling, shed within the ban on spraying, can be used alone to ensure harvest, but also mixed with the use of fertilizer And can improve fertilizer efficiency, to avoid the use of rain or sun in the sun.
3, shelf life: two years (unopened) production date see the package within the certificate or seal.

Technical indicators:
N + P2O5 + K2O≥20%, humic acid ≥3%, active bacteria 200 million / g, potassium fructose ≥ 36%, water-soluble organic matter ≥40%, organic silicon, trace elements, lumbrokinase protein, Juices, alginic acid, vaccinin, fish protein, soil activin, marine active substances, and the like.

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Shandong Liangshan Taifeng Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd 2017