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Water soluble fertilizer
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Shandong Liangshan Taifeng Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd

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Special fertilizer
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This product uses international bio-engineering technology, the advanced high-temperature chelating process to produce a new generation of underground crops for products containing high active humic acid, fulvic acid, amino acids, marine active substances and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, Magnesium, sulfur, copper, zinc, iron, manganese, boron, molybdenum and other plants to grow and develop a dozen nutritional elements, and contains immunoglobulin, synergist, rhizome enlargement factor, induced disease resistance factor, fungal active enzyme preparation, Strong raw material, organic silicon, rare earth elements and other composite ingredients, combined with the growth characteristics of underground crops, for garlic, ginger, onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes, yam and other underground crops for water-soluble fertilizer.

Function and function:
After the application to speed up cell division, promote the transmission and accumulation of nutrients to the rhizome, rapid expansion of rhizomes and increase yield, can increase yield of more than 10-30%, quick, long fertilizer, can quickly penetrate into the plant to promote chlorophyll formation Root system developed, stalk thick, leaf hypertrophy, bulging and bulging, and effective prevention of garlic, ginger, onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes, yam and other underground crops on the rust, leaf spot, downy mildew, gray mold, dry tip Disease, leaf blight, soft rot and other diseases, resistance to low temperature, drought, cold, waterlogging, anti-cropping, anti-salt, anti-dead trees, anti-root rot, etc., fully complement the crop nutrition, improve crop Yield and quality.
To adapt to crops: garlic, ginger, onions, potatoes, onions, radish, taro, yam, horseshoe, lotus root, sweet potatoes, peanuts, asparagus, Tianqi, ginseng, Codonopsis, Tianma, Polygonum multiflorum and other underground crops.

Technical indicators:
N + P2O5 + K2O≥20%, humic acid ≥3%, fulvic acid potassium ≥ 40%, amino acid potassium ≥20%, trace elements ≥5%, active enzyme ≥ 0.5%, beneficial bacteria 120 million / Chitin, root bulb, rare earth elements, fish protein, root activator and other appropriate amount.
Drip irrigation: the amount of 5-15 kg, can be diluted after the first use, interval 7-10 days once.
Chong Shi: acres of dosage 10-20 kg, with the water Chong Shi, interval 10-20 days once.

 1, the product of strong permeability, high fertilizer efficiency, quick, fertilize without excessive, so as to avoid waste, shed high temperature to be timely ventilation cooling, shed within the ban on the application.
 2, can be used alone to ensure that the harvest can also be mixed with the use of fertilizer and can improve fertilizer efficiency, to avoid strong acid and alkali substances mixed at the same time, to avoid rain or under the sun application, if agglomeration or flatulence does not affect fertilizer.
 3, the product should be placed in a cool dry place at night storage, the use of this product can be dissolved after mixing evenly, with the water impingement, drip irrigation.
 4, shelf life of three years (unopened), the production date see the package within the certificate or seal.

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Shandong Liangshan Taifeng Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd 2017